Old Silver

My grandpa ordered this truck new in 1976. It was immediately out to work on the dairy farm in Stanley, KS. In the 80s he put a Dew Eze bale pick up on it and hauled round bales and fed cattle with it. When I was old enough to drive in the field, dad taught me how to drive it and run the Dew Eze and I moved round bales from the field to the storage lots. When I was around 15 or 16 I asked grandpa what he was going to do with the old truck. He had bought a newer truck and I was the only one who used old Silver much. He said he wasn’t sure so I asked him if I could have it. He said yes and the truck has been in my possession ever since. It has been in various states of disrepair and looks over the years. At one time I thought I wanted a regular truck bed so I found one and had it on for years. When COVID happened in 2020 I ended up with more free time and finally decided to restore the truck. I ended up putting a flatbed on, as grandpa has ordered the truck without a bed and I wanted to keep it close to how he would have driven the truck. Grandpa had been gone since 2006, but I think he would be proud of how “Old Silver” ended up.