True Paradise Campfire Survivor
My truck caught fire in the Paradise Campfire. It has been a long road to keep it on the road because of so many things. It has been over a year now with no problems.We were not allowed to go up to our zone which was the last one to open up so the truck got rained on. That’s why it’s rusty. It was up there a little over a month.We lost everything except our family vehicle (which we escaped in with the clothes on our backs). I first got the truck from one my customers who was a WWII Veteran and so was my Dad (who passed away about 7 years before my customer gave me the truck) so my customer and I talked about my Dad who was a Ford guy and so was my customer. We really hit it off as friends and him and his wife treated me like their son for another 3 years until he passed away. There is a whole lot more to the story…. I have had the truck in 3 car shows with more to come thankfully.