My truck I found on Facebook Marketplace and offered to trade a ’99 Dodge Dakota in poor condition for an ’89 F250. The trade went through and I didn’t even know how to drive stick, so it sat for weeks until I finally made my family drive it to a parking lot where I went around and around for hours until I was finally able to drive it comfortably. After looking into it, every panel was dented, tires were bald, wires were hanging, interior was trashed, sun faded paint, barely any fluids in it. It was used as an old farm truck that got beat on more than it should’ve. So now I am making it my goal to make this truck look good again starting with the paint. This truck has 136k on it and runs and drives how it should with some minor flaws. What inspired me to buy this old best up Ford was my brother had a ’91 brick nose with the same motor. This F250 is equipped with a 4.9L inline 6. XLT lariat and still has crank windows. This Ford is more than a truck, it’s a teenager’s first build, first full-size truck and it means so much more than being a hunk of metal.