Here’s the story on my 1983 Ford Ranger “cotton candy”. It all started early this year when my father was going to buy a 1985 Ford Bronco II when he showed me the photo of the Ford Bronco II, in the corner of the photo I saw “cc” out sitting in a field and as soon as I saw her, I fell in love and when we went to pick up the Bronco II, I decided to ask the gentleman if he would sell “cc” to me and reluctantly he sold it to me for $300. But a week after we got the Bronco and the Ranger home, my father had to have major surgery with only a 50/50 chance of walking again. And with the knowledge I had from past experiences of mechanicing with my father, I did whatever I could and so did my father. My father was doing whatever he could to get out of that hospital and I was hoping for him to get out before my 13th birthday which sadly he didn’t. But on that day, I gave him my word that I would never quit on that truck no matter what. And he didn’t give up on leaving that hospital early because everybody knew my father was a workaholic and he could never sit still and couldn’t stand being in a hospital doing nothing. The doctors said it would be three months before he started walking and that was too long for my father, so he proved the doctors wrong. He left that hospital walking in less then a month and with him out, he did whatever he could to help me with “cc”, we both knew she was a basket case. It only had a block and the body, but that didn’t stop us, we picked up other basket cases and put “cc” together to where she is now. And we poured our blood, sweat, and tears into that truck until she could move on her own power. We’re still not done on this journey. I’m still looking forward to painting her and rebuilding her to her former glory and possibly getting her on the cover of LMC truck catalog. I couldn’t have done it without my dad and LMC. Thanks dad.